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第207 二十二1(第2/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 命运冠位指定Alter纸人追魂,铜钱问路御兽:我在末日养只猫星际时空,我是谁?网球:华国大魔王打服U18钟小艾给我生四胎关你侯亮平屁事萌学园之唯你星动霍格沃兹之从傲罗到教授进入无限流,团宠比反派更疯批叶罗丽:此世唯月玩梗梦比优斯僵尸:我在湘西炼尸仙规则怪谈:末日生存指南每日一问,今天他又氪了多少?张起灵!回头!叶罗丽之坠落末世来临,我却要承担人类繁衍重任?咒术不回战,生草整活日常空天巨兽重生之成为知鹤

their discussion and explored new ways to enhance family cohesion and personal growth. -Qiao Jingjing: At noon, can we set up a "family growth tree"? Every family member can record his growth and learning experience on it. Time: It's a good idea to grow a tree. We can plant a tree in the garden or get a decorative tree at home to symbolize the growth of our family. Qiao Jingjing: We can also set up a "Family Challenge Month" and set a new challenge every month, such as learning a new skill or pleting a project.Continue the conversation between Qiao Jingjing and Time Division. They are planning more innovative family activities. -Time: Jingjing, can we set up a "Family Library Day"? Choose one day a week as library day and the whole family will go to the library together. Qiao Jingjing: Library Day can immerse us in the ocean of books, which is a great idea. We can also set up a family reading list to see who reads more books. Time: Yes, we can also set up




