首页 > 其他类型 > 你是我的荣耀告白时刻 > 第207 二十二1

第207 二十二1(第2/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 冰河末世:我的手机连通平行世界星际最强打工人实锤巅峰之智我仨没有正经货,却被奉为神明极寒天灾:开局获得智能冰屋末世开局:傻了,我是超级大反派斗罗:穿书后我当了史莱克大姐大宝可梦:一块石板的旅途【无限】捡到的小怪物A上来了时光轮转,如果再来一次萌学园:我拿到了暗黑族系统穿成星际漂亮后妈,嫁个大佬养崽唐芪勇闯恐怖世界末世重生后我和白月光复合了恐怖的凶咒田淑芳重启狼生:我能望见进化路线走吧去远方宿主被位面反派觊觎了睁眼醒来我竟当上寨主

their discussion and explored new ways to enhance family cohesion and personal growth. -Qiao Jingjing: At noon, can we set up a "family growth tree"? Every family member can record his growth and learning experience on it. Time: It's a good idea to grow a tree. We can plant a tree in the garden or get a decorative tree at home to symbolize the growth of our family. Qiao Jingjing: We can also set up a "Family Challenge Month" and set a new challenge every month, such as learning a new skill or pleting a project.Continue the conversation between Qiao Jingjing and Time Division. They are planning more innovative family activities. -Time: Jingjing, can we set up a "Family Library Day"? Choose one day a week as library day and the whole family will go to the library together. Qiao Jingjing: Library Day can immerse us in the ocean of books, which is a great idea. We can also set up a family reading list to see who reads more books. Time: Yes, we can also set up




